my area is high wild fire zone and recently my insurance company no longer renew my policy, and i got California Fair plan for fire insurance, and rest of them from DIC, it is correct way?

Yes, it’s generally a good strategy to have a California Fair Plan policy in a high wildfire zone.

The California Fair Plan is specifically designed to provide coverage in areas with high wildfire risks. It offers protection against fire and other perils, which can be difficult to obtain through standard home insurance policies.

Regarding DIC (Difference in Condition), it’s important to review your specific Fair Plan policy. Some policies may include DIC coverage as part of the base policy, while others might require you to purchase it as an additional endorsement.

If your Fair Plan policy doesn’t include DIC, it’s generally a good idea to purchase it separately. This ensures that you’ll be adequately covered for any increase in the cost of rebuilding your home due to upgrades or inflation.

Here’s a breakdown of why this combination is often a good choice for areas with high wildfire risk:

  • Specialized Coverage: The California Fair Plan provides coverage specifically tailored to wildfire risks.
  • DIC Protection: Adding DIC ensures that you’ll be adequately compensated for any increased costs associated with rebuilding your home.
  • Peace of Mind: Having both Fair Plan and DIC coverage can provide you with peace of mind knowing that you’re protected against potential wildfire losses.

It’s important to review your specific policies and consult with your insurance agent to ensure you have the right coverage for your needs.

Would you like to know more about the California Fair Plan or other aspects of home insurance?

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